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French cleaning our Garbage for money

This is about an article in today’s rediff here> Garbage too can make you rich, which is actually Forbes syndicated content, orginal here > Dirty Money by S. Dinakar and Michael Freedman. A very interesting article which goes to say that European companies like...

MSN testing Adsense Competitor – Microsoft adCenter

Microsoft adCenter , which is  MSN’s  Adsense  competitor, has sent out invites yesterday to test out it’s program, reports Jen. Well, Microsoft has a history of getting in late & then trying to corner the market, so this one will also be...

Will Danny Sullivan join Google??

Danny Sullivan is leaving Search Engine Watch, explaination can be found on his blog. Danny has been writing about Search Engines much before Google was born, since 1996 in fact. Well, if Google can have Vint Cerf as Chief Internet Evangelist @ Google, then I guess...

BlogCamp – India’s Biggest Blog Unconference is being touted as “India’s Biggest & The Most Comprehensive blog event ever conducted”. Yahoo India has confirmed it’s Platinum Sponsorship.To be held on 9th and 10th September 2006 at Tidel Park, Chennai, India with an impressive...

Gmail for your Domain Name – Website

Latest offering from Google here >> called as “Google Apps for Your Domain” was released today. This is a boon for small businesses, blogs, personal websites & other non-citical mail applications. Google will host your email...