Latest offering from Google here >> called as “Google Apps for Your Domain” was released today.
This is a boon for small businesses, blogs, personal websites & other non-citical mail applications. Google will host your email account for free [as of today]. This is not only for Gmail, but also Google Talk, Google Calendar & Google Page Creator.
So, essentially, you get all the functionalities of the above hosted for you for free ‘On your own Domain Name / Website’.
For Google this is 1) Yet another way to increase their Adwords inventory, 2) Make their mail service more popular, ie get more users to Gmail 3) Get user for their other products which should follow here… like say.. Writely , Spreadsheets & more.
Colleges & Univs can also avail this students, something like from yesteryears.
But, bottomline is that this is a good service for small business owners & personal blogs.
See print screens of pages below:

Thanks for blogging this very useful info I missed to read this one on other sites … If you do SEO/SEM do email me wld be interesting to catch up with u …