I am sure that during this period of lockdown due to the CoronaVirus pandemic, everyone around the world has had enough time for introspection about Life, about how things are going to change after the CoronaVirus pandemic is over. Many articles on this have already been published online.
Everyone has their own take & predictions & lots of online discussions about ‘Life After CoronaVirus’.
Few days ago, I started a Facebook Group & I was planning to write about the topic for the first post.
This blog post is the outcome of that thought.
The objective of creating a private Facebook Group for myself was to build a community with whom I could discuss, share experiences, learn and teach about topics which are relevant to my area of professional expertise.
In the first post, I wanted to explain why everyone should start a private Facebook Group of their own.
And then something happened, I went into introspection mode. I asked myself, Why am I really doing this? What’s the Goal? What’s the outcome of all of this?
Which eventually brought me to Life Goals and how they would now be changed due to the CoronaVirus pandemic.
Flashback… When I was in college, I had asked several people; “What’s the purpose of life?” And they replied, Get a good education, then job & career, then get married & raise a family.
I then questioned these people, So what’s so great about this? Everybody does this! What’s unique about this? The common answer that I received from different people was that “The Quality of Life You spend, the values that You inculcate to your children and pass on to the next generation, should be of the highest moral order. This is the ideal Goal of Life.”
Hmmm…I thought to myself back then and here we are now in the present during the CoronaVirus pandemic.
Many among us have some idealist Life Goals, here’s are some Life Goals which I have heard from my friends;
My ancestral village does not have a hospital, or a good school. So, I want to start a Hospital, another one says School, another one said an animal shelter and another one an organic farm.
No doubt, these are great. But are they practical to achieve? Actually, these are ‘Wishes’ and not really ‘Goals’, as such.
If we start a realistic discussion as to what would it require to set up a hospital, it would start with Land acquisition and most of the goals fail at land acquisition itself. Then You have construction costs, hiring Doctors who are willing to stay in rural areas, etc. So, then again these become ‘just wishes’.
Many people, then scale back from Hospital to say a small clinic, or either paying for a Doctor’s visit to rural area. Then the entire idea does Not look appealing, because it is ‘No longer something Grand’. People then get back to their everyday lives, the ‘Goal’ has changed to a ‘Wish’ & then just a ‘Dream’.
Last year, I had this discussion with a friend of mine. This was regarding a project, which was supposed to be an organic farm along coupled with several environmentally friendly features, to develop an ecologically sustainable model.
I said, what if a person or organisation provided 1 or 10, or even 100 crores Today itself. We have all the money, no questions asked. Can we leave the city and go rural right now? Do we have the know-how, do we have he necessary skills to develop this?
Same goes for You too, If someone offered You 100 Million Dollars to set up a Hospital in your ancestral village, can You relocate just now? Do You have the necessary skills to execute and setup a hospital? Or even a Research Laboratory for finding cures for any future Virus pandemics?
Answer is simply No. So, what’s the solution? Well, frankly, we should reverse the process, from Dream to Wish to Goal, and plan for a Goal which is realistic.
If it is a Grand Goal, then it would need to be a ‘Movement’ comprising of several people or organisations.
Let’s take the case of a Hospital. First find at least 1 or 2 of your friends who share the same Goal. Then go about finding other people who share the same Goal.
Action Step 1:
Head over to Facebook and make a Group called: “Hospital for XYZ Place”.
Write in the Description, the Vision that You have for this Hospital.
Next ask Your friends who share the same Goal to start networking with the people associated with the XYZ Place.
Start contacting people related to XYZ Place, start reaching out to NGOs and Non-Profit organizations.
Start contacting doctors through your network. After You find a medical institute planing consultant, start making the project report for the same.
If You start with this process, the Goal then becomes a ‘Movement’, in which many people share Your Dream & Wish to make this a reality.
Replace Hospital with whatever Your Goal is. Also, instead of Facebook any other online alternative to suit the requirement is fine.
This is the Right time, during this period of lock-down, as people are introspecting about the future, this is the right time to put these Life Goals into action.
Action Step 2: This has been a rather long post. It started with my intention to write the first post for my new Facebook Group Digital Journey. So, I might write a separate blog post for Action Step 2 or I might write it in Digital Journey.
Please do let me know in the comments below if Your Life Goals will be changed due to the CoranaVirus Pandemic. Looking forward to hear from You.
Quit encouraging!!!!!
I believe “life goal(s)” don’t change so easily. Since they take good amount of planning, execution and stuff, a temporary obstruction (current pandemic) should not be enough to break or change them significantly. Well, I hope it doesn’t…
@Dattatray Thanks for your feedback!
@Abhishek Thanks for your comment. Yes, that’s very True – Life Goals don’t change easily. However, this current pandemic is going to have long lasting results. This are not going to be the same as they were before. My objective was to get people thinking & take action if they have not formed their Life’s Mission as yet.