Just read on Techcrunch that Google.org announced today that Google will be spending in 2008 ‘tens of millions’ of dollars on R&D into research related to renewable energy
Google’s official Press Release is here:
I recall a cartoon from the 80s, Inspector Gadget, whose theme song went like this > Go Gadget Go
So, this initiative from Google makes me wanna say… Green Google Green 🙂
BTW, also found out that the domains GreenGoogle.com & GoogleGreen.com are registered by someone other than Google!
Hi Prashant
How are you doing? Long time…
I can see your love for Google … but it’s an important step that Google have taken and I hope all others follow the suit and realize the thereat that Global Warming is posing to our existence.
@ Tarun
Hey yes, Tarun, long time indeed. Fine here, how are things @ your end? Yes, this is the age & time that every person & org should do their bit for Mother Earth & the best way to start is by setting an example ourselves!
yeah i have always liked the attitude of google~~”dont be evil” sets them appart fom their competitors~~~very cool initiative from google~~~wish them best of luck~~~may be this initiative is inspired from AL GORE~~~