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Domain Name Availability – What do the search results mean. I wanted to post this for an year now, just did not get the time. Anyways here goes:

I ) Google provides a tool whereby, you can estimate the number of searches being performed for a particular keyword, link here. So, does Overture, [Yahoo now], link here.

This is a boon to internet marketing people & just about everyone who wants to know as what are the keywords being searched for by millions of people the world over. Nothing new about this, it’s prehistoric 🙂

The point to note is: The very search keywords that you & I have been inputing into Google are taken into account here. Which means that all the searches that you have performed till now, have been made public. Since your searches were similar to millions of others, it does not matter as your identity is not being disclosed to anyone.

II) Similarly, several people [especially Domainers] and those in the internet marketing industry would like to know as to “What are the domain names that people input into the Domain Name Availability Box of several domain registrars & their resellers”.

This would provide an insight into what people are trying to register or checking for the availability of a particular or multiple domain names.

I bet that this data is being used by domain name registrars themselves & maybe being provided to Domainers for a ‘special price’.

I feel that if this info were made out to the general public or even to those with accounts with registrars, then it would be a Win-Win situation for both the clients as well as the registrars, as eventually more domain names would be sold.

Does anyone know of a domain name registrar who can provide this data? Let me know. Thankx.
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